White Americans’ Mortality Rates Are Rising. Something Similar Happened in Russia.

eAlert cb6cc1f1-a336-4940-a4b8-e85c15d9788b

<p>Mortality rates for working-age white Americans have been rising since 1999—a trend that is rare in developed countries outside of war or pandemic. But The Commonwealth Fund’s David Squires and David Blumenthal, M.D., point out that the same thing happened in Russia during the tumultuous period before and after the Soviet Union’s collapse. </p><p>Writing in <em>Harvard Business Review</em>, Squires and Blumenthal highlight the similarities and differences between the mortality rate increases in Russia and the United States. For example, as in the U.S., the Russian phenomenon was confined to working-age adults and was more common among the less educated. And in both countries, rampant substance abuse has been a common factor. </p>

http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/newsletters/ealerts/2017/jun/russian-mortality Read the post