Visit Our Redesigned Health System Data Center

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<p>Visit the newly redesigned <a href="">Health System Data Center on</a>, where you can interact with data from The Commonwealth Fund’s state, local, and child health system performance scorecards. </p><p>Search by zip code or location name, or browse the tablet-accessible U.S. maps, to see regional pages with detailed performance and ranking data on measures of access to care, prevention and treatment, avoidable hospital use and costs, and measures associated with living a healthy life. Or compare the performance of states and communities and export custom bar charts and tables. </p>
<p>Also visit our redesigned <a href="/Maps-and-Data.aspx">Maps and Data landing page</a> for links to ChartCart, which offers easy access to Commonwealth Fund charts; our Infographics collection; the International Health Policy Data Center; the Long-Term Services and Supports Scorecard website; and, a quality improvement resource for comparing hospitals and regions. </p>