Stories of Finding Health Insurance in the Affordable Care Act's Marketplaces

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<p>Barbara Doucet, a restaurant server in Newnan, Georgia, has been waiting for affordable health insurance for 15 years. Today, she is paying just a penny a month for a health plan she chose on Doucet is one of millions of Americans who have found coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s insurance marketplaces. </p><p>A new, photo-rich Commonwealth Fund feature, <a href="/usr_doc/SleepAtNight/index.html">'Now I Can Sleep at Night': Stories of Finding Health Coverage in the Affordable Care Act’s Marketplaces,</a> shares Doucet's story and those of other Americans who have found peace of mind and stronger financial security through the new insurance marketplaces. </p>
<p>Read their stories on <a href="/usr_doc/SleepAtNight/index.html"></a> </p>