State Decisions on the Health Insurance Policy Cancellations Fix

eAlert 6f58424f-f5fa-43d3-8384-4bd526cd6a5c

<p>Under President Obama's transitional policy fix for people whose health insurance plans were canceled, states and insurers are encouraged, but not required, to allow people to re-enroll in and even renew these plans. This means that health plans that do not comply with the Affordable Care Act's new protections set to go into effect in 2014 could extend through 2015. </p><p>States and insurance companies are primarily responsible for executing the policy fix. A <a href="/blog/2014/update-state-decisions-health-insurance-policy-cancellations-fix">new blog post</a> by Kevin Lucia, Katie Keith, and Sabrina Corlette of Georgetown University Health Policy Institute's Center on Health Insurance Reforms, looks at the state decisions on adopting the policy fix so far, and what factors into those decisions. </p>
<p>Read the complete post on <a href="/blog/2014/update-state-decisions-health-insurance-policy-cancellations-fix">The Commonwealth Fund Blog</a>. </p>