Searching for the Next Breakthrough in Health Care

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<p>Health care in the U.S. is both unsustainably expensive and lacking on many measures of access, quality, and efficiency. In <a href="/blog/2014/searching-next-breakthrough-health-care">a new blog post,</a> The Commonwealth Fund's Anne-Marie Audet, M.D, explains that it’s going to take more than minor adjustments to change our course. It's going to take a real breakthrough. </p><p>Audet leads The Commonwealth Fund's new Breakthrough Health Care Opportunities program, which defines a breakthrough as a paradigm or strategy that positively and profoundly disrupts the status quo. In her post, she discusses how the program will identify the innovative ideas that have the highest probability of achieving breakthrough impact. </p>
<p>Learn more on <a href="/blog/2014/searching-next-breakthrough-health-care">The Commonwealth Fund Blog</a>. And join us on Twitter for a Tweet Chat on breakthroughs this Wednesday, May 7, at 3 p.m. Follow along and tweet us at #BOPChat. </p>