Resources on Medicare Buy-In for Older Adults

eAlert bd7a1fdb-77c8-4822-a091-548967a81a4e

<p>As the Senate continues to debate health reform legislation, a proposal to allow those 55 to 65 to buy in to Medicare has become part of the discussion. We have put together a <a href="/publications/publication/2009/dec/medicare-buy-older-adults-commonwealth-fund-resources">resource page</a> of Commonwealth Fund research on this topic. </p>
<p>Resources include: a fact sheet analyzing a Congressional bill for early Medicare buy-in, a survey of health care opinion leaders on Medicare reform, and Fund-supported articles from the <em>Journal of the American Medical Association, The New England Journal of Medicine</em>, and <em>Annals of Internal Medicine </em>analyzing the potential effect of early Medicare buy-in on health care costs.</p>