New Videos: Containing High Health Care Costs and Caring for High-Need Patients

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Two new Commonwealth Fund videos look at ways the U.S. can improve health care for some of its sickest citizens, and lower costs.<br /><br />
<a href="/publications/video/2014/aug/understanding-high-us-health-care-costs">“Understanding High U.S. Health Care Costs,”</a>
David Squires and Cathy Schoen of The Commonwealth Fund explain that, in the U.S., one out of every six dollars is spent on health care without a commensurate return on investment. The researchers consider ways the U.S. health system could manage costs while improving quality and value.<br />
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A second video, <a href="/publications/video/2014/aug/serving-high-need-high-cost-patients">“Serving High-Need, High-Cost Patients,”</a> responds to the challenge of caring for people with complex care needs. The Commonwealth Fund's Melinda Abrams and Mark Zezza, along with Jennifer DeCubellis of Hennepin County Health in Minneapolis, discuss new models of care that allow health care providers to improve the health of high-need patients while lowering costs. Focusing on these patients can potentially improve care for all Americans.<br />
<br /> Watch and share these videos.