The Medicare Shared Savings Program: Keeping Savings in Sight

eAlert 6aeccf18-efa5-4589-9668-a8155da197aa

<p>More than 400 accountable care organizations (ACOs) are participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program, created by the Affordable Care Act to promote better coordination of patient care. All but a handful of ACOs have chosen to take on “one-sided risk,” meaning they share in savings generated relative to their spending target but aren’t held financially accountable for failing to meet that target.</p><p>In a new blog post, Jennifer Nguyen, Sheila Sankaran, and Lane Koenig of KNG Consulting review recent program changes proposed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to raise the stakes for participating ACOs. The authors discuss whether the revised regulations would make it easier for ACOs not only to take on financial risk but to reap greater rewards.</p> Read the post