Learning from Health Care Transformation in Arkansas

eAlert 85c6e065-7223-4446-8a8c-d08efa26c322

In 2010, Arkansas officials faced a triple threat to the state’s health system: a deficit in Medicaid dollars, a population that suffered from pervasive chronic disease, and a fragmented provider community. In response, state policymakers and other stakeholders created the Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement Initiative (AHCPII), a statewide payment reform initiative spanning outpatient and inpatient care.<br /><br />
In a <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2014/aug/arkansas-leading-laboratory-health-care-payment-and-delivery">new brief</a>, Commonwealth Fund–supported researcher Deborah Bachrach, of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, examines the AHCPII reforms—which include episode-based payments and alternative care models such as health homes for people with complex health care needs—and highlights the lessons Arkansas can provide to other states.<br />

http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/newsletters/ealerts/2014/aug/learning-from-health-care-transformation-in-arkansas Read the brief.