Join a State Health Research and Policy Breakfast

eAlert e5400985-7314-4c20-aa08-0e1e33db5aca

<a href="">The AcademyHealth State Health Research and Policy Interest Group</a> will host a breakfast meeting, "Breaking New Ground: State Strategies to Increase Value in the Health Care System," tomorrow, February 3, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m., in Washington, D.C. This meeting, cosponsored by the Commonwealth Fund's State Innovations program, is being held in conjunction with AcademyHealth's National Health Policy Conference.<br /><br />This breakfast session will examine recent state strategies to increase value in the health care system. It will focus on state efforts to contain costs while improving the quality of health care and expanding access. Panelists will provide insight on lessons learned at the state level that may inform the upcoming federal discussion. Panelists are: Trish Riley, Director, Governor's Office of Health Policy and Finance, Maine; Philip W. Magistro, Director, IT, Governor's Office of Health Care Reform, Pennsylvania; and Aaron McKethan, Ph.D., Research Director, The Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, The Brookings Institution.<br /><br />To register, please visit the meeting Web site: <a href="">http://www.academyhealth…; or email <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p&gt;