An Invitation from The Commonwealth Fund

eAlert 0cbdf6b5-98b4-46f1-9847-6aa36622a8c6

<p>The Commonwealth Fund, a private, independent foundation that supports research on key health policy issues, would like to invite you to join one or more of our 13 health policy e-mail lists. You can choose to receive periodic e-mail alerts about Medicare, Washington health policy, state innovations, children's health, health care quality improvement, quality of care for the underserved, patient-centered care, the Fund's <a href="/programs/programs_list.htm?attrib_id=11932">Commission on a High Performance Health System</a>, and other topics.<br><br>To join our lists, visit our e-mail alert <a href="/emailalert/emailalert.htm">sign-up page</a>. Of course, you can unsubscribe from the lists at any time, and we will not use the contact information you provide for any other purpose.<br><br>We also invite you to visit our <a href="/newsroom/newsroom.htm">newsroom</a> to view archived press releases, find experts on a wide range of health policy issues, and other resources.<br><br>If you have any questions or comments, please contact Mary Mahon, Public Information Officer, at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a&gt; or (212) 606-3853.Thanks for your attention.<br><br>The Commonwealth Fund</p>