How States Are Handling a Decision About Mid-Sized Employers and the ACA

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<p>A provision in the Affordable Care Act that could have a strong impact on small and mid-sized employers next year is starting to draw some public attention. Beginning in January 2016, a small employer will be defined as a business that employs between two and 100 employees; formerly the upper limit was 50 employees. </p><p>In a new blog post, Ashley Williams and Sabrina Corlette of Georgetown University's Center on Health Insurance Reforms explain that this change could result in premium increases for some mid-sized employers, because these firms will be newly subject to several ACA insurance market reforms aimed at protecting small businesses from such insurer practices as charging more for preexisting conditions.</p>
<p>Under a transitional policy, the Obama administration has permitted states to decide whether to allow mid-sized groups to remain part of the large-group market for up to two more years and thus remain exempt from these reforms. The authors look at how different states are handling this decision.</p> Read the post