How the Loss of Cost-Sharing Reductions Will Affect Consumers and Insurers in the ACA Marketplaces

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<p>While there has been considerable discussion of the new Congress’s plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there is another, potentially more immediate threat to millions of Americans.</p><p>Under the ACA, insurers must reduce cost-sharing obligations—such as copayments and deductibles—for low-income enrollees. But as explained in a new <em>To the Point</em> post by JoAnn Volk, Dania Palanker, Justin Giovannelli, and Kevin Lucia of the Georgetown Health Policy Institute, the Trump administration, almost directly after taking office, can pull the plug on government payments that support these reductions. It’s a move, they say, that could throw the individual health insurance market into chaos.</p> Read the post