How Easy Is It to Get Health Care with ACA Marketplace or Medicaid Coverage?

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<p>Two-thirds of people with who have used their Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace or Medicaid coverage to get health care report they would not have been able to access or afford this care prior to enrolling, a new analysis of Commonwealth Fund survey findings shows. </p><p>With ACA open enrollment under way, the Commonwealth Fund’s latest ACA Tracking Survey sheds light on enrollees’ ability to access care, satisfaction with provider networks, and ease of getting appointments with physicians and specialists. </p>
<p>Among the survey’s findings:</p>
<li>87 percent of marketplace or Medicaid enrollees are satisfied with the doctors covered by their current insurance. </li>
<li>64 percent who have tried to find a new primary care doctor since getting their insurance said it was somewhat or very easy to do so. </li>
<li>74 percent who were able to find a primary care doctor and 59 percent who needed to see a specialist were able to book an appointment within two weeks.</li>
<p>See our survey brief to understand more about the experiences of Americans with ACA coverage, and be sure to visit our newly updated dashboard to learn how survey responses have changed over time.</p> Read more