How Do We Spread Promising Models of Diabetes Care and Prevention?

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<p>With nearly half of the 380 million diabetes cases worldwide going undiagnosed, there is an urgent need for innovative programs that help treat and, perhaps more importantly, prevent this costly and increasingly prevalent disease. But scaling up cost-effective care models, and sustaining them, appears to be a surprisingly difficult undertaking.</p><p>For a new study published by <em>Health Affairs</em>, researchers used case studies of three promising diabetes programs in Mexico, India, and the United States—countries with diabetes rates higher than the global average—to better understand the institutional, regulatory, and financial barriers to spreading these interventions.</p>
<p>Authors Mark McClellan, M.D., Andrea Thoumi, and colleagues believe that accountable care reforms may well be part of the solution, including better collaboration between providers, patient groups, and community organizations and provider payments that are linked to outcomes-based performance measures.</p> Read about the study