The Extended "Fix" for Canceled Health Insurance Policies: Latest State Action

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<p>In March, the Obama administration released guidance extending the renewal of health insurance policies that do not meet the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) coverage standards through October 1, 2016. This means that health policies that exist today, but which do not comply with ACA protections that went into effect this year, can be maintained through 2017. States and insurers are not required to allow people to reenroll or renew the noncompliant plans.</p><p>In a <a href="/blog/2014/extended-fix-canceled-health-insurance-policies-latest-state-action">new blog post</a>, Kevin Lucia, Sabrina Corlette, and Ashley Williams of the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute's Center on Health Insurance Reforms give an update on state decisions regarding the policy.The authors also examine the consequences of the extension—including delays in critical reforms, such as ending preexisting condition coverage exclusions, the use of health status and gender to set premiums, and creating a minimum set of core health benefits—for millions of Americans.</p>
<p>Visit <a href="/blog/2014/extended-fix-canceled-health-insurance-policies-latest-state-action">The Commonwealth Fund Blog</a> for the complete post.</p>