Designing a Better Shared-Savings Program

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<p>Enabling health care providers to share in the savings they generate from the delivery of more efficient, higher-quality care holds promise for achieving many of the goals of health reform. Shared-savings arrangements can be difficult to negotiate, however, largely because of concerns among providers and payers over how to equitably calculate and distribute savings. </p>
<p>In a <a href="/publications/journal-article/2012/sep/design-and-application-shared-savings-programs-lessons-early">Commonwealth Fund–supported article</a> in the new issue of <em>Health Affairs,</em> Joel S. Weissman, Ph.D., and colleagues offer a set of design principles that payers and providers can follow to sidestep some of the pitfalls encountered by early adopters of shared-savings approaches. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of program features, they say, is critical to reducing costs and improving the quality of patient care. </p>

<p>Read more on <a href="/publications/journal-article/2012/sep/design-and-application-shared-savings-programs-lessons-early"></a>. </p>