Advancing Accountable Care Organizations in Medicaid

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<p>The health professionals who care for people with Medicaid coverage are struggling to deliver high-quality, efficient care to the country's most vulnerable patients. A new <a href="/blog/2012/advancing-accountable-care-organizations-medicaid">blog post</a> by the Center for Health Care Strategies' Tricia McGinnis points out that several leading states are developing accountable care organizations (ACOs) for their Medicaid populations to both improve care and control costs. </p><p>To accelerate states' efforts, CHCS is launching Advancing Medicaid ACOs: A Learning Collaborative, with support from The Commonwealth Fund and additional funding from the Massachusetts Medicaid Policy Institute. The initiative will help seven states develop and launch ACO models. CHCS will work with Medicaid agencies in Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, Texas, and Vermont, focusing on four critical areas: </p>
<li>designing the essential building blocks for an ACO program </li>
<li>building robust financing, data sharing, and measurement approaches </li>
<li>obtaining federal approval </li>
<li>implementing the ACO program. </li>
<p>Learn more about the different approaches on <a href="/blog/2012/advancing-accountable-care-organizations-medicaid">The Commonwealth Fund Blog</a>. </p>