Advancing Access in Maine

eAlert 522eb36a-dc8c-4e2c-a58d-3a3d6356c5cc

<p>The state of Maine has put forth ambitious initiatives to expand access to high-quality care while containing health care costs. This year's annual conference of the Maine Primary Care Association, "Innovations in Quality Care: Advancing Access for All in Maine," focuses on efforts across the state and country to improve health outcomes through improved quality in the primary care arena. Discussion topics at the event, to be held October 5-7 in Portland, include coverage for mental health and dental care; school-based health; and pay-for-performance.<br><Br>Keynote speaker and Fund president Karen Davis, Ph.D, will address the conference the evening of October 5. Her talk will address approaches to achieving health insurance coverage and health care access for all.<br><br>To register for the conference, visit the Maine Primary Care Association <a href="">Web site.</a></p>