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The Future of Medicaid

Grant Details

Grantee Organization
George Washington University

Principal Investigator
Sara Rosenbaum, J.D.

7/1/20 - 9/30/21

Award Amount

Approval Year

Coverage and Access,
State Health Policy and Medicaid

Grant Details

Grantee Organization
George Washington University

Principal Investigator
Sara Rosenbaum, J.D.

7/1/20 - 9/30/21

Award Amount

Approval Year

Coverage and Access,
State Health Policy and Medicaid

The research team will provide rapid analysis of unfolding policy developments through blog posts for the Fund and the journal Health Affairs. Topics will likely include lessons learned from Medicaid during the COVID-19 pandemic, states’ use of Section 1115 waivers to restrict eligibility, key aspects of waiver proposals, federal legislative attempts to restrict or expand Medicaid, and the role of the courts. The team will monitor developments in the California v. Texas case, and the implications of a complete repeal of Medicaid expansion. They also will write a Fund issue brief on Medicaid and COVID-19 and provide expert advice to the Urban Institute on a default marketplace coverage pathway for Medicaid-eligible adults in nonexpansion states.

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