This project would cover additional costs for waves 2 and 3 of the Affordability Tracking Survey. In July 2015, the Fund chose to increase the length of the survey questionnaire for waves 2 and 3, and add 250 additional completed interviews for wave 3, which was originally budgeted for 2,500 completed interviews. The additional costs include $8,500 for wave 2 to cover the additional length of the questionnaire, and $17,340 for wave 3 of the survey to cover both the additional length and the additional interviews, bringing the total budget amount requested to $25,840. Given the significant lag time of surveys conducted by the federal government, this Fund survey plays a crucial role in keeping policymakers and the public informed of the law’s impact on coverage and access to care. The Affordability Tracking Survey measures changes in underinsurance and affordability of health coverage and care for working-age adults. Survey findings will aid lawmakers and regulators in implementing the ACA reforms and identifying weaknesses that may require adjustment.
Affordability Tracking Survey, Waves 2 and 3
Grantee Organization
Principal Investigator
Robyn Rapoport, M.A.
11/15/15 - 12/15/15
Award Amount
Approval Year
Related Program
Health Care Coverage and Access
Coverage and Access
Grantee Organization
Principal Investigator
Robyn Rapoport, M.A.
11/15/15 - 12/15/15
Award Amount
Approval Year
Related Program
Health Care Coverage and Access
Coverage and Access