
Showing 946 - 954 of 9068 Results

Annual Report

2008 Annual Report

Read the 2008 program highlights, as well as essays by Commonwealth Fund president Karen Davis and executive vice president and chief operating officer John E. Craig, Jr.

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Annual Report

2009 Annual Report

The 2009 Commonwealth Fund Annual Report features essays by Commonwealth Fund president Karen Davis, who shows how Commonwealth Fund research and timely analysis helped lay the groundwork for the historic Affordable Care Act, and by executive vice president and COO John E. Craig, Jr., who offers lessons on endowment management that will help foundation boards and investment committees avoid repeating the mistakes that were made during the recent financial crisis. Also learn about activities of the Fund’s Commission on a High Performance Health System and recent projects supported by the Fund’s programs.

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Annual Report

2010 Annual Report

Working toward the goal of a high performance health care system for all Americans, the Commonwealth Fund builds on its long tradition of scientific inquiry, a commitment to social progress, partnership with others who share common concerns, and the innovative use of communications to disseminate its work. The Fund’s 2010 Annual Report provides highlights from the past year from the Fund’s programs and points to new directions for the future.

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Annual Report

2011 Annual Report

The Commonwealth Fund’s 2011 Annual Report features a message from President David Blumenthal, M.D., recent Commonwealth Fund work, financial performance, our board of directors and staff, and Commonwealth Fund grantmaking.

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