
Showing 2665 - 2673 of 9072 Results


Delivery System Reform

We need to improve the way health care is organized, delivered, and paid for — particularly when it comes to people with high needs and high costs. The Commonwealth Fund’s work on delivery system reform seeks out, studies, and promotes innovative policies and practices that will improve quality of care, advance equity, and increase affordability.

Area of Focus

Controlling Health Care Costs

The United States spends more on health care than any other wealthy nation. How can we ensure that care in the U.S. is affordable for individuals, families, and government?

Focus Area cost

Area of Focus

Advancing Health Equity

Our nation’s legacy of racism is embedded in our health care system. For many people of color, this legacy has meant less access to quality care and poorer health outcomes. We research and promote the policies and practices needed to achieve an antiracist health system where people of color can thrive.

Baby receives a medical exam

Area of Focus

Improving Health Care Quality

People need the right care at the right time. We explore how our health system can work smarter and better, including the policies and practices that will help ensure people get good care and lead healthy lives.

Focus Area Quality