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Developmental Screening

The characteristics of patients who are seen in your practice will influence both the screening instrument that you select and the best way to use it in your practice. Consider the following questions and implications.


Characteristics of Patients and Families Screening Implications
Do you have patients and families with risk factors for delay in your practice? Consider a screening instrument that documents specific skills rather than concerns alone.
Do you have parents with limited reading skills? Consider offering the option of completing forms with assistance from staff.
Do you have parents with limited English proficiency? Consider instruments that have foreign language translations available (e.g., in Spanish) and relevant norms.
Do you have a practice with high base rates of developmental problems and/or risk factors (e.g., histories of very low birth weight) for developmental problems? Consider instruments that have demonstrated sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value for high-risk populations.


Go to 2b. What Are the Base Rates of Developmental Problems in Your Practice?

Back to Part I: Defining Your Practice's Screening Needs