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Commonwealth Fund Publications
A. Gauthier and A. Cullen, Reforming Health Care Delivery Through Payment Change and Transparency: Minnesota's Innovations, The Commonwealth Fund and the National Academy for State Health Policy, March 2010.

W. Holt, The Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Project: Supporting Mental Health Treatment in Primary Care, The Commonwealth Fund, March 2010.

J. Yonek., S. Hines., and M. Joshi, A Guide to Achieving High Performance in Multi-Hospital Health Systems, Health Research & Educational Trust, March 2010.

S. L. Klinger and S. White, Lessons from a Health Information Technology Demonstration in New York Nursing Homes, The Commonwealth Fund, April 2010.

J. Minott, D. Helms, H. Luft et al., The Group Employed Model as a Foundation for Health Care Delivery Reform, The Commonwealth Fund, April 2010.

K. Stremikis, K. Davis, and R. Nuzum, Health Care Opinion Leaders' Views on Health Reform, Implementation, and Post-Reform Priorities, The Commonwealth Fund, April 2010.

Other Related Publications
T. Burke and S. Rosenbaum, Accountable Care Organizations: Implications for Antitrust Policy, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, March 2010.

G. Volk and A. Jacobs, Implementing State Health Reform: Lessons for Policymakers, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation State Coverage Initiatives, March 2010.

Expanding Coverage for Recent Immigrants: CHIPRA Gives States New Options, Families USA, March 2010.

Fact Sheet: Maintenance of Effort Requirements Under Health Reform, Families USA, March 2010.

A "High-Touch" Approach to Improving Oral Health for Newark Children, Center for Health Care Strategies, March 2010.

Holding the Line on Medicaid and CHIP: Key Questions and Answers About Health Care Reform's Maintenance-of-Effort Requirements, Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families, and Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, March 2010.

Options for Integrating Care for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries, Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc., March 2010.

Quality Improvement in Public Health: Lessons Learned from the Multi-State Learning Collaborative, AcademyHealth, March 2010.

Shaping a Healthier Generation: Healthy Kids, Healthy America, State Profiles in Progress, National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, March 2010.

J. Angeles and M. Broaddus, Federal Government Will Pick Up Nearly All Costs of Health Reform's Medicaid Expansion, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, April 2010.

D. Justice, Long Term Services and Supports and Chronic Care Coordination: Policy Advances Enacted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, National Academy for State Health Policy, April 2010.

J. Cantor, A. Monheit, D. Belloff, D. DeLia and M. Koller, The Impact of State Dependent Coverage Expansions on Young Adult Insurance Status, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and State Health Access Data Assistance Center, April 2010.

N. Johnson, P. Oliff and E. Williams, An Update on State Budget Cuts, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, April 2010.

P. Oliff and N. Johnson, Premature End of Federal Assistance to States Threatens Education Reforms and Jobs, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, April 2010.

V. Smith, D. Roberts, D. Rousseau and T. Schwartz, CHIP Enrollment June 2009: An Update on Current Enrollment and Policy Directions, Health Management Associates and Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, April 2010.

C. Stone and H. Shaw, Failure to Renew Federal Benefits Changes the Map for State Unemployment Insurance Coverage, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, April 2010.

Expanding Medicaid Under Health Reform: A Look at Adults at or below 133% of Poverty, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, April 2010.

Explaining Health Care Reform: Questions About Health Insurance Exchanges, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, April 2010.

Explaining Health Care Reform: Questions About Medicaid's Role, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, April 2010.

Explaining Health Care Reform: Questions About the Temporary High-Risk Pool, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, April 2010.

Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Provisions in the New Health Reform Law, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, April 2010.

Medicaid and Chip Health Reform Implementation Timeline, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, April 2010.

Medicaid Best Buys: Critical Strategies to Focus on High-Need, High-Cost Beneficiaries, Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc., April 2010.

No Need to Wait Until 2014: States Can Cover Low-Income Adults in Medicaid Now, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, April 2010.

Summary of New Health Reform Law, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, April 2010.

Multimedia and Interactive Resources

Integrating Care for Dual Eligibles: An Online Toolkit, Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc., March 2010.

Podcast: Health Care Abroad and Reform at Home–Controlling Health Care Costs, The Commonwealth Fund, March 2010.

Video Podcast: L. Blumberg and J. Holahan, Implementing Health Care Reform, Urban Institute, March 2010.

Videos: State Summit on Health Reform Sessions, National Governors Association Rx for Health Reform, March 2010.

Webcast: Payment Options to Support Medical Homes: Theory and Practice, National Academy for State Health Policy, March 2010.

Webinar: The Role of the Health Insurance Exchange, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation State Coverage Initiatives, March 2010.

Health Reform Implementation Resource Center, state consortium of the National Governors Association, National Association of Insurance Commissioners, National Association of State Medicaid Directors, and National Academy for State Health Policy, April 2010.

Podcast: Health Reform Myths & Realities, Part 1, Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, April 2010.

Podcast: Health Reform Myths & Realities, Part 2, Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, April 2010.

Timeline for Health Care Reform Implementation: Health Insurance Provisions, The Commonwealth Fund, April 2010.

Timeline for Health Care Reform Implementation: Revenue Provisions, The Commonwealth Fund, April 2010.

Timeline for Health Care Reform Implementation: System and Delivery Reform Provisions, The Commonwealth Fund, April 2010.

Webcast: If We Build It, Will They Come? Health Coverage for Low and Moderate Income Adults, National Academy for State Health Policy, April 2010.

Webcast: Moving Forward Together: Implementing New Oral Health Provisions at the State Level, National Academy for State Health Policy, April 2010.

Webcast and Podcast: What's in There? An Ask-the-Experts Overview of the Health Reform Law, Alliance for Health Reform and The Commonwealth Fund, April 2010.

Webinar: Implementing State Health Reform: Lessons for Policymakers, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation State Coverage Initiatives, April 2010.

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