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L. Dubay, J. Guyer, C. Mann et al., Medicaid at the Ten-Year Anniversary of SCHIP: Looking Back and Moving Forward, Health Affairs, Mar./Apr. 2007 26(2):370–81.

M. Evans, "Building a Better SCHIP: Key Healthcare Leaders Back Major Expansion of a Popular Program," Modern Healthcare, Apr. 23, 2007 37(17):22–3.

G. L. Fairbrother, H. P. Emerson, and L. Partridge, How Stable Is Medicaid Coverage for Children? Health Affairs, Mar./Apr. 2007 26(2):520–8.

G. Kenney and J. Yee, SCHIP at a Crossroads: Experiences to Date and Challenges Ahead, Health Affairs, Mar./Apr. 2007 26(2):356–69.

J. D. Klein, L. P. Shone, P. G. Szilagyi et al., Impact of the State Children's Health Insurance Program on Adolescents in New York, Pediatrics, Apr. 2007 119(4):e885–92.

M. Leavitt, "Return SCHIP to its Roots. A Program for Low-Income Children Should Not Replace Private Insurance," Modern Healthcare, Apr. 23, 2007 37(17):24–5.

K. Llanos, J. Rothstein, M. B. Dyer, Physician Pay-for-Performance in Medicaid: A Guide for States, Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc., Apr. 2007.

J. Marton, The Impact of the Introduction of Premiums into a SCHIP Program, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Spring 2007 26(2):237–55.

S. Rosenbaum and P. H. Wise, Crossing the Medicaid–Private Insurance Divide: The Case of EPSDT, Health Affairs, Mar./Apr. 2007 26(2):382–93.

A. Sommers, S. Zuckerman, L. Dubay et al., Substitution of SCHIP for Private Coverage: Results from a 2002 Evaluation in Ten States, Health Affairs, Mar./Apr. 2007 26(2):529–37.

E. Spitzer, "Let's Complete the Job. SCHIP Was Meant to End Uninsurance Among Kids, So Expansion Is Needed," Modern Healthcare, Apr. 23, 2007 37(17):24–5.

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K. K. Shea, K. Davis, A. Gauthier, R. Nuzum, B. Scholl, and E. L. Schor, Health Care Opinion Leaders' Views on Priorities for the State Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization, The Commonwealth Fund, Apr. 2007.

K. Kuhmerker and T. Hartman, Pay-for-Performance in State Medicaid Programs: A Survey of State Medicaid Directors and Programs, The Commonwealth Fund, Apr. 2007.

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