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Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price Resigns

  • Price’s Exit Further Complicates GOP Health Care Push Associated Press by Jill Colvin and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar — The ouster of Tom Price as President Donald Trump’s health secretary is yet another self-inflicted blow for Republicans wishing to put their own stamp on health care — and the latest distraction for a White House struggling to advance its agenda after months of turmoil. Price resigned Friday amid investigations into his use of costly charter flights for official travel at taxpayer expense. His exit makes it even more unlikely that Republicans will be able to deliver on their promise to repeal and replace former President Barack Obama’s law, even though they control the White House and both chambers of Congress. “I think health care is a dead letter through the next election,” Joe Antos, a policy expert with the business-oriented American Enterprise Institute, said Saturday.

  • Trump’s Next Move on Health Care? Choice for Secretary May Offer Clue New York Times by Peter Baker and Robert Pear — President Trump’s selection of a secretary of health and human services could be a turning point in a health care debate that has polarized Washington, as he faces a choice of working with Democrats to fix the current system or continuing his so-far failed efforts to dismantle his predecessor’s program. One adviser said on Saturday that Mr. Trump was serious about compromising with Democrats and would pick a secretary who would help make that happen….The White House had no comment on Saturday, but two advisers who asked not to be identified discussing internal matters said two top candidates were Scott Gottlieb, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, and Seema Verma, the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

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