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  • Trump Undermines Senate GOP's Medicaid Backers Politico by Burgess Everett and Adam Cancryn–A group of Republican senators is fighting desperately to preserve health coverage for millions of low-income constituents who have benefited from Obamacare. And the president of their own party seriously undercut their negotiating position with his budget Tuesday. By proposing hundreds of billions of dollars in Medicaid cuts in combination with the House-passed health care bill's more than $800 billion in Medicaid spending reductions, President Donald Trump is effectively throwing in with fiscal conservatives looking to constrain the program's growth and wind down its coverage as quickly as possible. 

  • Fact Check: Medicaid a Target for Cuts Despite Assurance AP by Josh Boak–Medicaid is clearly in line for cuts under President Donald Trump's budget despite assurances to the contrary from his budget chief.  Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, while introducing the budget Tuesday: "There are no Medicaid cuts in the terms of what ordinary human beings would refer to as a cut. We are not spending less money one year than we spent before." THE FACTS: Mulvaney is being artfully evasive about the health care program for families and the poor. By any conventional measure of federal financing, the program is on the chopping block.

  • In One Chart: Trump Plans To Cut Medicaid After Promising Not To New York Times by Haeyoun Park–President Trump has long promised not to cut Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. But in his budget released on Tuesday, he proposes making massive cuts to Medicaid. Mr. Trump is proposing to cut $610 billion from Medicaid benefits. This could come on top of more than $800 billion in cuts to Medicaid sought in the health care overhaul bill passed by the House on May 4.

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