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The Congressional Budget Office Report

  • Health Bill Would Add 24 Million Uninsured but Save $337 Billion, Report Says New York Times by Thomas Kaplan and Robert Pear—The House Republican plan to replace the Affordable Care Act would increase the number of people without health insurance by 24 million by 2026, while slicing $337 billion off federal budget deficits over that time, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said Monday. Republicans had been bracing for what was almost certain to be a bleak accounting of the legislation's projected effects. The American Health Care Act, as Republicans call their bill, was already facing widespread criticism from health care providers, some conservatives and a united Democratic Party.

  • Five Key Findings from the CBO's Health Care Score The Hill by Peter Sullivan—The CBO analysis of the Republican plan to replace ObamaCare is sending shockwaves through Washington. Here are five key findings from the CBO report that is shaking up the Obamacare debate.  Millions of people would become uninsured; the effect on premiums would be mixed; out-of-pocket costs would be higher; the deficit would be reduced; and  major changes would be made to Medicaid.

  • White House Analysis of Obamacare Replacement Projects Bigger Coverage Gap than CBO The Hill by Rebecca Savransky—The White House's internal analysis of the GOP's Obamacare replacement plan reportedly projects more insurance losses than the report released Monday by the CBO. The White House document, obtained by Politico, projects that 26 million people would lose coverage over the next decade under the GOP's health care plan, known as the American Health Care Act. It finds that 54 million people total would be uninsured in 2026.

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