The U.K.'s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was established to perform three core functions: 1) reduce unwarranted variation in practice across the United Kingdom through the development and dissemination of best practice evidence-based standards; 2) encourage fast diffusion and uniform uptake of high-value medical innovations; and 3) ensure the taxpayers' money is invested in the National Health Service so that health benefit is maximized. NICE decisions are made by independent committees of health professionals, academics, and industry and lay representatives. More than 2,000 experts engage with NICE processes throughout the year. NICE committees consider comparative clinical and cost effectiveness, social values (including impact on equity), and U.K. and European Union legislation when making their decisions.
Comparative Effectiveness Review Within the U.K.'s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Publication Details
K. Chalkidou, Comparative Effectiveness Review Within the U.K.'s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, The Commonwealth Fund, July 2009.
Area of Focus