Harkness Project Title: The Canadian and U.S. Health Care Systems : Crises or Greener Pastures ?
Biography at time of Harkness Fellowship: Alexandre Sirois is the Washington correspondent for La Presse, a French daily newspaper in Montreal. He began there as a political reporter and then switched to covering health issues. He was previously a parliamentary reporter for The Canadian Press news agency in Ottawa. He holds a degree in communications from the Université du Québec à Montréal and a post-graduate degree in international journalism from the Université Laval and the École supérieure de Journalisme de Lille in France (jointly).
Project: Sirois reported on how the American public views its health system, with its large percentage of uninsured, and what the support would be for a single payer national insurance system. He also examined the extent to which rising prescription drug prices in Canada could impact the future direction of the Canadian health system. His project was a journalistic work involving extensive background research and numerous interviews.
E-Mail: [email protected]
selected Publications:
Sirois A, "The World Is Changing for the Better, Says the American President," La Presse, January 21, 2004.
Sirois A, "Is There a Health Care Crisis in the United States?" La Presse, June 2004.
Sirois A. "Five questions on the reimportation of drugs." La Presse, Nov 5, 2003.