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Video Content Authorization

Grant Details

Principal Investigator
Naomi Leibowitz

5/15/21 - 5/14/22

Award Amount

Approval Year

Related Program

Grant Details

Principal Investigator
Naomi Leibowitz

5/15/21 - 5/14/22

Award Amount

Approval Year

Related Program

This authorization will support the creation and distribution of compelling video series around a set of topics the Fund is prioritizing. The Fund will explore collaborations with a range of different production and distribution partners who will further amplify our reach. In addition to posting content on our owned channels (YouTube, Instagram, and throughout the year, we also plan to build in broad distribution to all multimedia projects. Specific platforms and outlets will depend on our partner, but this authorization anticipates greater reach and the deployment of assets across new, untapped vehicles. Finally, we also plan to engage appropriate grantees to expand the focus of specific grant projects. Possible project concepts could include: 1) Focus on international comparisons: a project highlighting different maternal health experiences and outcomes in the U.S. and other countries; interviews with people from other countries who have lived in the U.S. about the state of health care in America; a look at practitioners from other countries; and existing grant connections/opportunities. 2) Focus on equity and disparities: social-only equity series for Instagram; Gen Z-focused pieces; and existing grant connections/opportunities.

Related Grants

Center for Public Interest Communications, 2022

National Primary Care Transformation Summit