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Strategies and Resources for Assessing State-Focused Commercial Prices

Grant Details

Grantee Organization
Bailit Health Purchasing, LLC

Principal Investigator
Michael Bailit, M.B.A.

9/1/22 - 12/19/22

Award Amount

Approval Year

Related Program
Controlling Health Care Costs

Health System Performance and Costs

Grant Details

Grantee Organization
Bailit Health Purchasing, LLC

Principal Investigator
Michael Bailit, M.B.A.

9/1/22 - 12/19/22

Award Amount

Approval Year

Related Program
Controlling Health Care Costs

Health System Performance and Costs

For this project, the research team will interview one to two key state agency leaders in 15 states to understand the main activities currently underway to advance affordability in the commercial market, gauge the level of interest in pursuing cost-growth mitigation strategies, and assess feasibility considerations, including resources the state would need to successfully pursue one or more of the cost-growth mitigation strategies.