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Coverage Options for New Mothers: Current Policy Landscape and Approaches to Narrowing Gaps

Grant Details

Grantee Organization
Urban Institute

Principal Investigator
Jennifer Haley, M.A.

5/1/20 - 12/31/20

Award Amount

Approval Year

Related Program
Health Care Delivery System Reform

Delivery System Reform,
Health Equity

Grant Details

Grantee Organization
Urban Institute

Principal Investigator
Jennifer Haley, M.A.

5/1/20 - 12/31/20

Award Amount

Approval Year

Related Program
Health Care Delivery System Reform

Delivery System Reform,
Health Equity

This project consists of two parts. In part 1, the Urban Institute team will describe the current policy landscape in terms of Medicaid/CHIP and subsidized marketplace options for covering new mothers, documenting who would benefit from the proposed extension of pregnancy-related Medicaid coverage. In part 2, using Urban’s modeling capacity, they would estimate uninsured new mothers’ eligibility for publicly subsidized coverage under current law and their potential eligibility under a 12-month postpartum Medicaid extension.